Thursday 24 September 2015

My term

This term, the most challenging / difficult thing for me was maths because I sometimes got frustrated at a problem
I now know / I discovered that I can be good at maths when I try.
The most enjoyable / fun part of the term was when I played netball.
I wonder if I will make new friends next term.

Next term, my goal is to / my next step is to try to stand up to more people.

The big move

As most of you know the senior school has slowly became hubs and have moved out of the senior block. Hub one has moved into Room 16 and the little offices that are there as well, and Hub 2 has moved into the hall. It was not as crazy as we thought it would be!

Most of you will be wondering why, how and what is happening. Well it is happening because it will help our learning in every way and we are needing an environment that now matches our learning. Also our classrooms were the first classrooms built years and years ago so we they need to be rebuilt.
The students are working fine in this new classroom and are finding it great. We are also learning to control our behaviours and decisions, and are learning to be self aware all the time. We also are finding what it will be like with 3 classrooms made into a hub and to tell you the truth it surprisingly going well in the hall.
To me the hall is not that bad the noise level is really good for a group of 73-75 children. We have settled in well and have adjusted to how we work now. I think it will be hard to leave the hall behind when they have finished the classrooms. I will miss the hall when we leave it behind because it has became our new classroom already.

Thursday 17 September 2015

My book review

Me scraping my nose

It was when we were still in our rooms 3, 4 and 5 and it was After school. So I was walking with my scooter round the bend of room 5 and I must of hit a piece of uneven ground and I scraped my nose on the concrete. I also had a big blood nose. I have a new enemy now and that is the concrete.

My accident that I will never forget.

 My accident that is when we were playing a game and I was on our tramp. That is when  Dylan ran at me and pushed me off the tramp I fell and landed on my left arm. I screamed out loud I had broken my arm that was all because of Dylan. So that was the time I hurt myself and I will never forget it.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

News review

While reading the news I came across an article that talks about NZ stands firm on lamb  Exports.
I found it interesting because I thought everything was going just fine.
I wonder why they are arguing about things like this.
I want to know how they felt when they were doing it.

News review 3

While reading the news I came across an article about ko becomes the youngest major winner.
I found it interesting because I thought that you had to be a certain age to do this sort of thing
I wonder how she became the youngest winner.
I want to know what did she do to become the youngest winner.

My daffodil Art

Daffodil Art.
First we  got hessian and then we had to either draw or cut some lines so we could do the Art.
Then we pulled out all the horizontal lines so it left the vertical lines there.
After that we got some green felt and made it into grass for the bottom.
Then we made some Daffodil flowers and stuck them on the Art and then we had finished.
Screenshot 2015-09-11 at 14.28.17.png   ←  Here is us doing our Art
And Here is my finished Art


Monday 14 September 2015

Our new classroom

News review 2

While reading the news I came across a acrital that says that we have 3 trillion trees left in the whole entire world and a team of people proved it
I found it interesting because I thought that there would be more trees than that
I wonder how we will get more trees
I am surprised that we only plant 5 billion trees back when we cut over 15 billion trees every year.
I want to know why we do not plant new trees when we cut down the trees we cut down. here is the link to the acrital earth has 3 trillion trees

News review 1

While reading the news I came across a acrital about a 4 year old boy that fell down a well to find his Missing dog.
I found it interesting because I did not think things like this would happen
I wonder how the boy found the well that was covered in weeds.
I am surprised that the boy survived the fall even though the well was 6 meters deep. here is the link to the acrital boy falls down well finds his missing dog