Thursday 24 September 2015

The big move

As most of you know the senior school has slowly became hubs and have moved out of the senior block. Hub one has moved into Room 16 and the little offices that are there as well, and Hub 2 has moved into the hall. It was not as crazy as we thought it would be!

Most of you will be wondering why, how and what is happening. Well it is happening because it will help our learning in every way and we are needing an environment that now matches our learning. Also our classrooms were the first classrooms built years and years ago so we they need to be rebuilt.
The students are working fine in this new classroom and are finding it great. We are also learning to control our behaviours and decisions, and are learning to be self aware all the time. We also are finding what it will be like with 3 classrooms made into a hub and to tell you the truth it surprisingly going well in the hall.
To me the hall is not that bad the noise level is really good for a group of 73-75 children. We have settled in well and have adjusted to how we work now. I think it will be hard to leave the hall behind when they have finished the classrooms. I will miss the hall when we leave it behind because it has became our new classroom already.

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