Thursday 7 May 2015

Port waikato camp

The screams of terrified children rings thought my sore ears like a out of tune guitar, I grip the rope so I do not lose myself the rope is rough with frayed bits around it. I think the water that splash into my ear  is a thing of distraction I think that it is not scary. The dark shadowy bushes towers over me. The dark shadows watches over me like a witch wanting me as her supper. The dark leaves that surround me like I am a little mouse but I am not afraid. The rope burns me like me burning my hand on the pan. As the ghost person jumps out at me, I tumble to the hard ground. The hard dry ground collapse with another steep down,  since it was cold, the leaves that rustle in the wind which makes me shiver. The dry water that I wish to get rid of stays stuck in my mouth. The rustle from the people is not scary at all. The laughter of surprised children makes me smile with happiness.


  1. I love the first sentence Chloe. I also like the similes' for the trees and shadows.

  2. Hi Chloe I love how you said the dark shadowy bushes tower over me. I also like how you made it a show not tell story, this story really hooks you in i love it well done.
