Friday 11 December 2015

My 3D shape


In our Hub (Hub 2) we made 3D shapes and we had to chose our favorite 3D shape Once we had that we were practically half way this is how we made them

First we got the shape we wanted to do and made the template to do that you had to carefully make the shape with a ruler. (mine was a triangular prism)
After that we made sure that our shape was perfect
Then we got to SKETCH what topic we chose there was outdoors, space, buildings and the  beach (I chose beach) we had to chose our favorite sentences making sure that you had the amount of sentences we needed we had to make the sketches very detailed.
We are now nearly finished and we can make the 3D shape into a 3D shape so we have to glue the tabs and put it together. so now you know this is how we made our awesome 3D shapes  

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