Tuesday 25 March 2014

Descriptive Writing

The Storm

I woke instantly because I heard a noise. I sat up. I was about to get
out of bed when, I realised it was just the 2 cats. I pulled all Megan’s blankets off her bed then I took Abby’s, and put Abby and Megan in bed with me. Then I heard a screech. It echoed around the house.  I screamed then I realised it was Abby.

By Chloe


  1. I love the start of this piece of writing, Chloe - 'I woke instantly'. This is such a powerful way to hook your audience in. I was certainly hooked! And the sentence 'It echoed around the house' - Wow, what a sentence! So it was Abby who screeched?

  2. Thank you Miss Simmons. My goal was to hook the reader and I'm glad I did this. Yes Abby did screech, she was right in my ear!

    1. I am glad you did this, too, as it really hooked me into your writing!! I bet Abby's screech was very loud if it was right in your ear!
