Tuesday 16 September 2014

Home made Silme

Silly, slimy slime

Makes: One slime to play with.


  • polystyrene cup
  • ½  cup boiling water
  • 2 tsp psyllium husks
  • 2 drops food colouring of your choice (if you want)


  1. Grab a polystyrene cup, and put the psyllium husks in it.
  2. Pour the hot water in the polystyrene cup that has the psyllium husks.
  3. Stir the hot water and husks together for approximately 5-10 minutes.
  4. Then put the food colouring in then stir some more.
  5. Let it cool until cold and it is not sticky.
  6. Once cold play with the slime and enjoy!

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