Friday 19 September 2014

The crashing sea on the Island

The crashing sea on the Island

The angry waves crash on the island, trying to make it disappear.
 The island sighs sadly and sobs, that makes more water in the sea.
The only tree on the island sways helplessly in the middle of a war.

The sea mumbles sadly because the island has won but the sea does not give up. The island slowly gets smaller and only a little space is left with the sad little tree.  


  1. Chloe, this is such a stunning piece of personification writing. I really like how you have used cleverly chosen vocabulary to bring the waves, island and tree to life. I also really love how you have portrayed the struggle and battle going on between the ocean and the island. What a talented writer you are!

  2. Wow! This piece of writing is amazing!!! You have described the setting so well. I like how you descride the struggle the tree has and how it feels. I have to agree with Miss Simmons that you are a talented writer! :-) Mum xxxx
